Andrew Y. Chen


I'm currently a student at MIT, where I am pursuing a Master's (S.M.) in Mechanical Engineering. Previously, I obtained a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley - go Bears! All my life, I have been fascinated by flight; growing up, I was always the kid that stopped walking to follow an airplane as it traced a path into the clouds. Later on, I developed a habit of begging my parents to leave for the airport hours ahead of time so I could wander around the terminal and watch the action on the apron. Thanks to several fantastic math and science teachers, my passion for plane-spotting grew into one for engineering - I've always had the dream of designing and building something that could fly. I've been lucky enough to realize that dream through UC Berkeley's spaceshot rocketry team throughout my time in college, which I can say with confidence has been the coolest project I've ever been a part of.

The experience of building a composite airframe for the first time and holding the finished product in my hands immediately drew me in, and today my research interests lie in the intersection of 3D printing and composite materials. New materials have helped to make cars, planes, and rockets lighter and faster, and new techniques for manufacturing them place jaw-dropping results within our grasp. There is fascinating new research in both of these fields being published nearly every day, and I am excited to be here to witness our future being written. And all this way, I've been guided by my love of flight, of shooting for blue skies and bright stars.

Thanks for stopping by! If you have questions or would like to chat, my contact information is below!